Windows Error Help 

To repair Windows Errors, we recommend this download. It was designed to fix system errors, corrupted files and Windows registry items that cause crashes. This tool also removes malware threats and updates outdated drivers. The combination of these features have proven to fix Windows errors with very high efficiency.

Download Advanced System Repair for Microsoft Windows®

Computers can encounter either software errors or hardware errors. Software errors are the most common types of errors on a computer and are often fixed with software updates or patches. Hardware errors are any defects with hardware inside the computer or connected to the computer. Although some issues requires replacement of defective hardware; most errors are software based and can be repaired with Advanced System Repair.

Microsoft Fixit and Microsoft Easy Fix solutions have been discontinued by Microsoft. To replace these tools we recommend using Advanced System Repair for Microsoft Windows. This tool provides a highly reliable way to automatically fix Windows Errors and improve system performance.

Step 1: Download and Install Advanced System Repair for Windows using the green button above;
Step 2: Scan your PC to detect common causes of this error and other issues. Download Now - Free Diagnosis 
Step 3: Run the software and follow the on-screen instructions to launch the repair process.

System Information:

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This solution is compatible with your operating system.

Windows® Error Help Center

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Recommended Repair Tool for Windows Errors

What causes computer errors?

Recommended repair utility for Windows

Automatically fix Windows Errors

Trustpilot is a website where consumers post reviews. Advanced System Repair earned a 5 star rating on Trustpilot.

Advanced System Repair for Windows is the only software on the market that repairs system files, driver issues all while removing malware threats. These three elements are common causes of Windows errors.

Advanced System Repair has been proven by independent testing to help increase computer reboot speed; once threats have been removed and issues have been fixed, your computer may gain some booting and task execution speed.

Advanced System Repair checks for privacy risks that may have been caused by malware or other issues. Using Advanced System Repair will make your web browsing safer and more private.

Compatible with Windows 10 (32 and 64 bit), Windows 8.1 (32 and 64 bit), Windows 8 (32 and 64 bit), Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit), Vista (32 and 64 bit), XP (32 and 64 bit).

Disclaimer: is an authorized distributor of Advanced System Repair. Support can also be provided by the manufacturer. Full functionality of the software start at $29.95. The owner of this website is compensated for each sale of the software.

Digital Signage Details: Advanced System Repair has a digital certificate signed by DigiCert Assured ID Code Signing CA-1. To view certificate details, right click the exe file after your download is complete and then click on "Digital Signatures"

Advanced system repair earned the AppEsteem Certification. Founded by former cybersecurity executives at Microsoft, AppEsteem is dedicated to a simple vision: cnsumers have nothing to fear when installing and using apps on their computing devices. 

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How to Repair Windows Errors

End User License AgreementUninstall Instructions
Software End User License AgreementUninstall Instructions

File Name: Asr-Elite1-Installer.exe

Software Name: Advanced System Repair Pro

File Size: 18 498 KB

Publisher: Advanced System Repair, Inc.

What Does Advanced System Repair Do Exactly?

The software is designed to scan and fix issues found with your system. This tool addresses more issues that any other comparable system repair utility. The software begins by analyzing your system in order to help detect common issues that may cause stability problems. Once this process is complete, ASR will scan for the following:

- Privacy traces that can be removed to ensure your privacy online;

- Unnecessary junk files that take up drive space;

- Corrupted registry entries that may cause Windows errors;

- Startup issues that can be fixed to optimize your PC's startup process;

- System issues that can be repaired;

- Outdated drivers that may be causing errors with your hardware;

- Malware threats;

- Opportunities to defragment your hard drive in order to use space in an optimal way and improve PC performance;

- Corrupted files and other common causes of Windows Errors;

- Security holes that should be repaird in order to protect yourself online.

Compatibility Information for the Advanced System Repair Software. We are not affiliated to Microsoft, these logos are displayed for compatibility information purposes only

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Trademarks: Microsoft, Windows and the Windows logos are trademarks of Microsoft. and the logos are trademarks of the corporation. Disclaimer: is not affiliated with any hardware manufacturer or Microsoft, nor claims direct affiliation. The information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. 
